

If we compare Danielle's main map of the Island and this map, we can conclude that there's something strange about these maps: they don't seem to be maps of the same Island! Or: maybe they are maps of the same Island, but one of them, or maybe both, are not accurate. We have to make a choice: consider Danielle's map, drawn by a crazy woman, stuck on an Island for sixteen years, during which she could have acquired “geographical” experience of the Island, as the “real” map OR we have to consider that maybe her maps are not very accurate and that maybe she could have drawn a map that wasn't representing exactly the Island itself.
In the first case, we wouldn't have enough information to create a map of everything on the Island (Dharma Stations, camps, etc); in the latter we could do that, but we'd have only a partial view of the Island, because we wouldn't be able to adapt exactly Danielle's map to the “Dharma maps”.
What do you think?